The Bain Project is a site-specific art installation exploring Raleigh's historic E.B.Bain Waterworks. On view for two weekends in May 2009 were installations and performances of the 12 artists who worked collaboratively in the space over 9 months.

Ball Room
stone balls
Primarily produced by Marty Baird and Sarah Powers in collaboration with the Bain team.
Color Codes in Pump Room
stone balls
Stone balls are colored by the codes for water and chemical lines associated with water treatment facilities.
Caustic Room
paintchips & light
Afternoon light changes the colors of the paintchips to coordinate with color codes for caustic chemicals. An audio component lists colors in code.
Caustic Room
View 2. Caustic Room conceived and produced by Marty Baird in collaboration with Bain team and with Jack Hagel on audio component
Tank Performance Entrance
9 May 2009
Musical performance in filtration tanks, conceived & composed by Dana Raymond in collaboration with Bain team; nine Bainers performed
Critter in Temporary Dwelling Permit Office
9 May 2009
Temporary Dwelling Permit Office was a performance and interactive component conceived by Stacey Kirby. Stacey and Critter were primary performers and along with the Bain team.